We ask you to carefully read these Terms of Sale and our Privacy Policy before ordering. If you do not agree with all Purchase Terms and Privacy Policy should not make any order.
The purchases made with the seller are subject to the legislation of SPAIN.
In the event of any conflict or discrepancy the applicable jurisdiction will be that of the Courts of the buyer.
Client Seller agrees at all times to provide truthful information about the data requested in user registration forms or placing of the order and to keep them updated at all times.
The customer agrees to accept all terms and conditions contained in these Terms of understanding that reflect the best possible service for the type of activity carried Seller.
It also undertakes to keep confidential and with utmost care their personal access codes to our website.
The customer agrees to allow the delivery of the requested order facilitating a delivery address where it can be delivered the order requested within the usual time of delivery of goods (Monday through Friday 10:00 a 13:00 and of 16:00 a 19:00). In case of default by the client of this obligation, Seller shall have no liability for delays or inability to deliver the order requested by the customer. manages and maintains the file of its customers for the purpose of dealing with them. In no event shall provide any data to third parties. In compliance with the provisions of the Organic Law 15/1999 from 13 December on protection & oacute; n Data & aacute car, personal character as client could & aacute; at any time exercise the rights of access Rectification & oacute; n cancelation & oacute; n and opposition & oacute; n COMM & aacute; ndonoslo electronic mail options | Nico has its headquarters in:
River walk s / n
Casa Millet
08241 Manresa